Thursday, March 22, 2012

Farm: Jungle Song

I have collected records all of my life. Once, in college I lost my whole collection in a burglary. Over the years I replaced most of them, and then some. In the last ten years or so I really focused on finding obscure psychedelic records from the mid sixties to the mid seventies. I hit a lot of record stores, yard sales, swap meets, second hand stores, record shows. I had hundreds of records squirreled away in my studio.

After I retired, I have spent a good deal of time organizing and cleaning up my studio and all of the stuff I had stashed away in there over the last twenty five years. I am going through my records and after I listen to each, I decide to keep it or sell it. I’ve sold several hundreds so far and have reduced my collection by about a third. If the album doesn’t hit me, I move it on.

With music, and especially with certain songs, I can listen to the same song over and over again until I tire of it. Sort of like old AM radio! I’ve been listening to this song repeatedly in the last few days.

Farm is a mid-west pysch band. Their eponymous first album, from 1970, was a private label pressing. Originals of this extremely rare album sell in the $500-$700 range. I own a reissue. This is the first song on side one. Jungle Song.

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